Watch what to expect at the
River of Time Museum

Myles gets to go to the River of Time Museum with his mom and dad! Watch with your family so you know what to expect when visiting.
Plan with 'Insider Tips'
Prepare best by knowing when, where and how to go.
Sensory Scale uses 1 – 10 scoring, with 10 being maximum sensory input.
River of Time Museum is generally a quiet and calm environment, making it a great option for kids who prefer low sensory input.
There are many opportunities to touch, dig, and engage with exhibits at River of Time. Teachers – this is also a great place to take your class!
River of Time offers tours, hikes, and other fun activities. Check the events link to see the calendar and sign up!
The Indigenous Yavapai Culture is celebrated at the River of Time Museum. Learn about their history and customs at the museum or through a tour.
The museum is one story and ADA accessible. A patio is available for enjoying food from home or taking breaks.
River of Time Museum has an amazing staff and volunteer base that are eager to assist guests in any way. They are dedicated to inclusion and are excited to see you!

Go with a digital guide
Use our step-by-step approach that breaks your video tour into segments.
Assistive communication icons helps with telling others what you need and how you feel.

Helpful links

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